I'm sorry for not posting for a whole week and a 3 days! I'm a bad blogger, I know. I'm 50% forgetful and 50% procrastinator, so if you're reading this thanks for sticking around :) Updates:
1. My dad, otherwise known as Man Who Gave Me Love for Books and Words In General, (I know, it's a long name. Actually, I'm the only one who calls him that.) bought me a book. Not just any book. THE book that I've been keeping my eye on for three months, waiting for it to go on sale. He bought me The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway and I finished it three days later. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone, although the writing style threw me off at first. It was a lot more sentimental than any other book by Hemmingway
2. I finished The Hobbit and Mockingjay this week. I'm not gonna lie, when I read the last few words of Mockingjay I cried a little inside. It's always like this when I finish a good trilogy/series. Goodbye, old friend!
3. Yesterday my dad (You know, MWGMLFBAWIG) took me to a Poetry Slam. It was nothing short of amazing and I can't wait to go again next month. He also took me book shop hopping afterwards where I bought the cutest and most expensive travel journal I've ever seen.
4. Today I was window shopping for books and I lamented to my sister the lack of online book review sites so you can steer clear of reads that are dishonoring to God. Well as I was Googling for something completely different, I came across this site that does exactly that! It's worth checking out if you're considering buying a book.
What have you been up to readers?
Are you getting sick of my book-ranting? If so, what other topics would you like to hear about? Honesty is welcome! :)
P.S. Doesn't this book look interesting?